सीधे मुख्य सामग्री पर जाएं

HDFC Platinum Deposits: Credit Rating AAA & Attractive Interest Rates

Company Profile:
  • Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited (HDFC Ltd.) was established in 1977. Over the last three decades, HDFC has turned the concept of housing finance for the growing middle class in India into a world-class enterprise with excellent reputation for professionalism, integrity and impeccable service.
  • HDFC has assisted more than 38 Lakhs customers to own a home of their own, through cumulative housing loan approvals of over Rs. 3.73 trillion and disbursements of over Rs. 3.02 trillion as at March 31, 2011.
  • HDFC has a wide network of 294 offices, catering to over 2,400 towns & cities spread across the country.
  • HDFC has been able to mobilise deposits from over 10 lac depositors. Outstanding deposits grew from Rs. 1,458 crores in March 1994 to Rs 24,625 crores in March 2011.
Today, HDFC is recognized as one of the Best Managed Companies in India and is a model housing finance company for developing countries with nascent housing finance markets.

Rating - 'AAA' rating for its Deposit products for highest safety from both CRISIL and ICRA

HDFC  Platinum Deposit Interest Rate
Interest Rate
10.00% (Yield – 10.12%)
10.00% (Yield – 10.90%)
 0.25% extra for senior citizen.
 Minimum Investment Amount Rs20,000 and in multiple of Rs1000.

Updated rate for Feb 2012


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इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

बाय नाऊ पे लेटर - लोन की सुविधा क्या फायदेमंद है

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